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Jump To: Document (30)  |  Text (5)  |  Other (7)

Document (30)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
APPOINT.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 131b 1994-04-20
B_LABEL.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 3 1KB 1995-11-29
CLABELS.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 2 1KB 1994-04-15
CLABELS.DBT dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 8KB 1994-04-15
CUSTOMER.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 6 3KB 1996-05-31
FORM.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 99b 1995-04-11
HELP.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 2 3KB 1996-03-12
HELP.DBT dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 102KB 1996-03-12
INV1-2.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1995-03-29
INV1.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1995-03-01
INV2-2.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1995-03-29
INV2.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1995-03-01
INV3-2.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1995-03-29
INV3.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1995-03-01
INVENTOR.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 4 2KB 1996-05-31
INVOICE.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 8 2KB 1996-05-31
LETTER.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 195b 1995-04-14
LOG.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 512b 1996-05-31
PACK-2.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1995-03-29
PACK.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1995-03-01
PAYMENT.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 3 512b 1996-05-31
PRBATCH.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 328b 1996-05-31
PROD.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 3 512b 1996-05-31
SALESMAN.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 2 512b 1996-05-31
SFREPORT.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 4 3KB 1994-04-05
STATE-2.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1995-03-29
STATE.FRM HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1995-03-01
SYSINFO.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 10 4KB 1996-11-01
TEMPLATE.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 2KB 1995-04-14
VENDOR.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 2 483b 1995-04-14

Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 13 450b 1996-11-01
INV.DOC Text File 145 4KB 1996-04-15
ORDER.DOC Text File 61 2KB 1996-04-04
WHATSNEW.TXT Text File 703 17KB 1996-11-01

Other Files (7)
INV.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 346KB 1996-11-01
FORM.DBT Null Bytes Alternating 512b 1995-04-11
CUSTOMER.DBT Unknown 512b 1995-04-14
INV.OVL Unknown 707KB 1996-11-01
LETTER.DBT Unknown 512b 1995-04-14
SFREPORT.DBT Unknown 2KB 1994-04-05
TEMPLATE.DBT Unknown 137KB 1995-04-14